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English cover letter writing rules necessary 10

[03-01 15:06:10]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文求职信   阅读:280

概要:1, for different employers and industries, you have to tailor the cover letter. 2, your employer can do for the future, rather than what they do for you. 3, focus on specific career goals. 4, not to your job or life situation of the case that any negative remarks. 5, went straight to the theme, do not nag. 6, do not write the words did not have the strength. 7, not more than one, unless your prospective employer to request further information. 8, for any printing or spelling errors sho

English cover letter writing rules necessary 10,标签:英文求职信范文,求职信范文,http://www.88jianli.com
1, for different employers and industries, you have to tailor the cover letter.
2, your employer can do for the future, rather than what they do for you.

3, focus on specific career goals.

4, not to your job or life situation of the case that any negative remarks.

5, went straight to the theme, do not nag.

6, do not write the words did not have the strength.

7, not more than one, unless your prospective employer to request further information.

8, for any printing or spelling errors should be carefully detailed.

9, before sending in your look at other people give.

10, archive copy of all letters, including your letter, fax, email. And record-keeping for the next step.

"Recommended> This is quite an article worthy of recommendation, it introduced a detailed cover letter to write the whole process, pay attention to key points, the article structure, ideas, is essential for job reference tool for staff. In foreign countries, cover letter and curriculum vitae of the enjoyment of equal importance, they are two aspects of a thing, to job-seekers can create a good first impression. In China, its importance for people to understand. In a sense, more difficult job to write the letter than the resume, but also requires skill and constant practice. Therefore, we must spend a considerable length of the cover letter to introduce the skills of writing, it is very important.

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