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[03-01 15:06:10]   来源:http://www.88jianli.com  英文求职信   阅读:280

概要:Write a cover letter, but also want to stress skills. The following will need some writing tips: To keep in mind this is a marketing to sell your letter, you should try to highlight their advantages and strengths, and expressed interest in the job, rather than just give a personal autobiography. To question the contents of streamlining to the title, Duanluofenming, not more than one paper. If an employer that receipt of your expression of three or four-page cover letter will only feel

Write a cover letter, but also want to stress skills. The following will need some writing tips:

To keep in mind this is a marketing to sell your letter, you should try to highlight their advantages and strengths, and expressed interest in the job, rather than just give a personal autobiography.

To question the contents of streamlining to the title, Duanluofenming, not more than one paper. If an employer that receipt of your expression of three or four-page cover letter will only feel you lack the ability determination.

Concise text using simple, direct, multi-purpose phrase to use fewer long sentence. Blindly selling incomprehensible words, only offensive.

Proper attention to grammar is correct, not a mistake. A cover letter full of typos, it is difficult for people to write an important appointment.

Tidy and clean, professional format, unless the employer setting out require a handwritten, otherwise typing is better, emphasizing professional style - "Businesslike", such as the receipt of a single paper with handwritten cover letter, no matter how well written but also gives people the careless haste, there is no sense of sincerity, of course, would not be considered.

This is a style of "you" letter, preferably with individual style, but it does not mean to be sensational, but should apply for the posts on various tailor-written cover letter to meet the individual's characteristics, not just copy someone else template hastily.

Read carefully in advance to prepare the best advertisements are listed in the employer's request, one by one targeted writing, In addition, the company you are applying what type? Provide any services or products? The main applications for jobs that? You should also collect information in advance.

Prompted the use of ordinary size (A4) of the white stationery; attention to the paper material, typing the words quality and the use of models; spacing is not too sparse or too dense; keep a copy for search.

After the written examination should be repeated checks to ensure correct, formally sent. Because of some minor errors, will also meet with prospective employers a comprehensive and are not careful enough bad impression and even the dates, punctuation should check it clear, we must remember your cover letter is representative of your job.

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